home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Allow commands to return results */
- options results
- /* On error, goto ERROR:. Comment out this line if you wish to */
- /* perform your own error checking. */
- signal on error
- /* BEGIN PROGRAM *************************************************/
- /* END PROGRAM ***************************************************/
- exit
- /* On ERROR */
- /* If we get here, either an error occurred with the command's */
- /* execution or there was an error with the command itself. */
- /* In the former case, rc2 contains the error message and in */
- /* the latter, rc2 contains an error number. SIGL contains */
- /* the line number of the command which caused the jump */
- /* to ERROR: */
- if datatype(rc2,'NUMERIC') == 1 then do
- /* See if we can describe the error with a string */
- select
- when rc2 == 103 then
- err_string = "ERROR 103, "||,
- "out of memory at line "||SIGL
- when rc2 == 114 then
- err_string = "ERROR 114, "||,
- "bad command template at line "||SIGL
- when rc2 == 115 then
- err_string = "ERROR 115, "||,
- "bad number for /N argument at line "||SIGL
- when rc2 == 116 then
- err_string = "ERROR 116, "||,
- "required argument missing at line "||SIGL
- when rc2 == 117 then
- err_string = "ERROR 117, "||,
- "value after keywork missing at line "||SIGL
- when rc2 == 118 then
- err_string = "ERROR 118, "||,
- "wrong number of arguments at line "||SIGL
- when rc2 == 119 then
- err_string = "ERROR 119, "||,
- "unmatched quotes at line "||SIGL
- when rc2 == 120 then
- err_string = "ERROR 120, "||,
- "line too long at line "||SIGL
- when rc2 == 236 then
- err_string = "ERROR 236, "||,
- "unknown command at line "||SIGL
- otherwise
- err_string = "ERROR "||rc2||", at line "||SIGL
- end
- end
- else if rc2 == 'RC2' then do
- err_string = "ERROR in command at line "||SIGL
- end
- else do
- err_string = rc2||", line "||SIGL
- end
- req_message TEXT '"'err_string'"'
- exit